The Meaning of "Unique"

Feb 25, 2016 15:11
The word "unique" is one of foreign words that are often used in Japan.

It is said that "unique" was derived from "unus," which means "one" in Latin, and it has several meanings such as "individual" or "sole."

However, somehow many Japanese misunderstand the meaning of "unique."

If we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," the meaning will become something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."

In my opinion, Japanese confuse the meanings of "unique(ユニーク)" with "humor(ユーモア)."





No. 1 日本語学生's correction
  • The word "unique" is one of foreign words that are often used in Japan.
  • The word "unique" is one of the foreign words that are often used in Japan.
  • It is said that "unique" was derived from "unus," which means "one" in Latin, and it has several meanings such as "individual" or "sole."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, somehow many Japanese misunderstand the meaning of "unique."
  • However, somehow many Japanese people misunderstand the meaning of "unique."
     In English, "Japanese" is an adjective, so you need to add a noun (in this case "people") in order to make the sentence make sense.
  • If we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," the meaning will become something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."
  • If we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," the meaning will become something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."
     正しですが、ちょっと変だと思います。多分「If we say "he is a unique person," we usually mean something like "he is a funny person"」と言う方がいいです。
  • In my opinion, Japanese confuse the meanings of "unique(ユニーク)" with "humor(ユーモア)."
  • In my opinion, Japanese people confuse the meaning of "unique(ユニーク)" with "humor(ユーモア)."
  • If we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," the meaning will become something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."

    正しですが、ちょっと変だと思います。多分「If we say "he is a unique person," we usually mean something like "he is a funny person"」と言う方がいいです。

Thank you very much for the corrections and the kind explanations! (^^)
No. 2 nick's correction
  • The Meaning of "Unique"
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The word "unique" is one of foreign words that are often used in Japan.
  • The word "unique" is one of the foreign words that are often used in Japan.
  • It is said that "unique" was derived from "unus," which means "one" in Latin, and it has several meanings such as "individual" or "sole."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, somehow many Japanese misunderstand the meaning of "unique."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," the meaning will become something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In my opinion, Japanese confuse the meanings of "unique(ユニーク)" with "humor(ユーモア)."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
In your last sentence it would perhaps be better to start it with "In my experience…" as it is surely more than conjecture on your behalf. Your English is though very good. A synonym for unique is idiosyncratic which does extend to meaning outre or not the norm and in a possibly humorous way, so not all that wide of the mark.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that :)
Also, I didn't know the meaning of "unique" could be extended like that. I will be more careful when I write my post! Thank you for letting me know.
Thank you for writing it, I did not know of the words latin root. Your English usage is both natural and crystal clear in meaning.
It's a pleasure to give you the information :)
And thank you for the nice comment!
I'm very flattered, haha.
No. 3 Timmy's correction
  • However, somehow many Japanese misunderstand the meaning of "unique."
  • However, somehow many Japanese people misunderstand the meaning of "unique." (or: ...meaning of this word.)
  • If we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," the meaning will become something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."
  • When we say "he is a unique person (彼はユニークな人だ)," we often mean something like "he is a funny person (彼は面白い人だ)."
Interesting! I didn't know that. I should be careful using this word from now on ^_^
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
We should be careful using the word too :)
You're welcome!^_^
No. 4 Seralt's correction
  • The word "unique" is one of foreign words that are often used in Japan.
  • The word "unique" is one of many common loanwords in Japanese.
     "one of [冠詞] [名詞句]"
    "one of the people"
    "one of many parts"
    "one of her ex-boyfriends"

    "foreign word" より、"loanword" のほうが使われています。
  • However, somehow many Japanese misunderstand the meaning of "unique."
  • However, somehow many Japanese people misunderstand the meaning of "unique."
     technically, "Japanese" is okay, but because of the ambiguity of Japanese (adj, person, language), English speakers prefer the full phrase "Japanese people".
"Gorgeous" is another one that's changed meaning in Japanese. In English, we'd say "gaudy" instead.

But, I think it's natural for a loanword to adopt new meanings in its new language. English has done that to a few Japanese words too, like "head honcho" (any kind of "boss"/VIP in English), and "tsunami" (large oceanic waves caused by earthquakes - as distinct from "tidal waves" - caused by the moon's gravity).
Thank you very much for the corrections!
I also thought "Gorgeous" means something like "gaudy." Thank you for letting me know.
Indeed, to change the meaning might be natural as you said :)